Phone number for Verizon wireless and land line support let Verizon customers to quickly solve their problems related to Verizon wireless and Land line. Its not difficult to find support contact information for Verizon land line and wireless. But not a single website will provide all details at one place. That’s why we are going to provide you the phone number for Verizon wireless and land line both at one page. All types of phone number for Verizon like sales support and customers service will be listed here.
1. Phone number for Verizon wireless
If you have any customer service related query than you can use the 10 digit phone number listed below.
If you have sales related queries than you can use the 10 digit number listed below.
So these are the phone number for Verizon wireless sales and customers services but below is the phone number for land line support is below.
2. Verizon phone number for land line
If you are using Verizon land line and have some problem or want to contact Verizon Land line customer care than you can use the phone number mentioned below.
So here is all about Verizon phone number for wireless and land line support. Verizon users can use these phone numbers to get their problem’s solved quickly. They can use these number to change in their plan, to fix any connection related problem, to increase the minutes, to increase in data package and much more, In the coming days you will also be able to find support contact information of other cellular companies like Sprint and AT & T on our website. If you are using android Jelly phone than don’t miss these Jelly bean tips and these android tips. We hope you will like this information about Phone number for Verizon but stay in touch with us because there is coming more.